E-Bikes Overview

What is an e-bike?
E-bikes are electric bicycles with a motor that gives riders a boost. E-bikes use rechargeable batteries and travel up to 28 m.p.h. When you use an e-bike to get around, you can:
- Save money on fuel and maintenance by replacing daily car trips with e-bike rides
- Bike greater distances and across harder terrain
- Set aside worries about arriving sweaty at your destination
- Reduce your carbon footprint while running errands or commuting to work
- Enjoy fresh air and exercise. It’s fun!
E-Bikes Class
Class 1: an electrical assisted bicycle equipped with a motor that provides assistance only when the rider is pedaling and that ceases to provide assistance when the bicycle reaches a speed of 20 m.p.h.
Class 2: an electrical assisted bicycle equipped with a motor that provides assistance regardless of whether the rider is pedaling but ceases to provide assistance when the bicycle reaches a speed of 20 m.p.h.
Class 3: an electrical assisted bicycle equipped with a motor that provides assistance only when the rider is pedaling and that ceases to provide assistance when the bicycle reaches a speed of 28 m.p.h.
E-Cargo Bikes: built to carry heavy loads and often two or more people. The bikes vary in sizes and shapes, may have two or three wheels, and commonly have a longer wheelbase than a standard bicycle, with space for hauling cargo either in the front or back (great for carrying kids, groceries, etc.,).
How far can E-Bikes go?
Electric bike range is dependent on several factors and can be very complicated to calculate. Some factors you can control, and some you can’t. Controllable factors include the size of your battery, the efficiency of your motor, the level of motor assist you select, and how much weight you’re carrying. Uncontrollable factors include wind, weather, temperature, and terrain.
How batteries affect range
The bigger your battery, the more capacity you have to go farther or go faster. Battery power is measured in watt hours (Wh), the higher the Wh the bigger the battery capacity.
How motor efficiency affects range
The efficiency of your e-bike’s electric motor impacts how much of your battery’s energy it uses. A high-quality, efficient motor will draw less energy from your battery, while an inefficient motor will draw more energy and reduce your overall range.
How level of pedal assist affects range
What assist mode you select directly affects your range. For example, eco mode provides the least amount of assist, and draws the least amount of power from the battery. Turbo mode provides the most assist and draws the most power from your battery. Therefore, your range in eco mode is longer than in turbo mode since turbo will drain the battery more quickly.
Long range electric bikes
Long range e-bikes are e-bikes designed for long-distance rides and trips. They typically have large capacity batteries, such as 500Wh or 625Wh, and efficient motors that help you maximize your range. Some electric bike companies offer the ability to add on a second battery so you can double your range.
The general range estimate for an e-bike varies from 20-100 miles on a single charge. Yes, it’s really wide! That’s because there are so many factors that can determine your range. We recommend using Bosch’s range finder tool to help you figure out a more accurate range estimate for your e-bike.